Make This The Best Summer Yet!

Summer is almost here! Warmer weather and longer days are just a few weeks away and we could not be happier about it! Also looming around the corner though is the dreaded and inevitable summertime boredom. Kids who were spending their days in school will soon be hard pressed to find something to do each afternoon. The team here at Girard Homes has come up with this short list of fun activities to help fight your summertime sadness.

Explore Columbia- Columbia has so many parks and trails, you can explore a new one each week! You'll spend an entire afternoon walking and climbing around, you won't want to leave. Girard Homes' favorite park: The Pinnacles Youth Park in Sturgeon.

Go For A Swim- Don't forget about the easiest, and arguably one of the most fun summer time activities! There's just something about being in the water that turns everyone into a kid again. Luckily for us, Columbia has 9 public pools so you'll always have a place to go. Girard Homes' favorite pool: Most of the communities we build in have a pool for their residents, but our favorite is the Old Hawthorne pool and clubhouse.

Have A Barbecue- What better way to enjoy the weather and kill some time than with a nice cookout? Invite your friends and neighbors for a grand party, or just have a quiet night with your family. Either way, you'll have a great time with some great food. Girard Homes' favorite barbecue recipe: Marinate some fresh salmon and veggies (we love zucchini and squash) in teriyaki sauce for about 30 minutes. Season with salt, pepper, garlic and red pepper flakes (if you're feeling a little adventurous) and grill them up!

Join A League- There's still time to register your kids for sports leagues for the summer! Team members will learn the basics of the game, develop confidence and self-esteem, make great friends and have a blast! Girard Homes' favorite sport: Baseball! Our marketing intern is coaching a team this summer through the Douglass Baseball Program! Sign up today!